Our team

Tomasz Piwoński

Founder and CEO

Founder of Solution One*, a hedge fund that has achieved a 60% return since launching in 2014 and become famous for its total resilience to the market crash in March 2020 (the fund won the 2020 Investment Fund of the Year award). He has worked as a trader on the New York Stock Exchange and is a Private Equity Investor.

*Stichting Legal Owner Solution One with its registered office at Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Amsterdam, registered with the KvK under number 72410442 and RSIN 859101289, represented by Tomasz Piwoński and Paweł Świerczyński.

Łukasz Kobus


He has 10 years of experience in product launches. He has worked in the blockchain market since 2018 and has led the development of a BTC mining operation with a total capacity of 10 EH/s. He launched a cryptocurrency with a market capitalisation of several hundred million dollars.

Przemysław Olszewski


Over 10 years of experience in the IT sector. Technological purist. Experienced with the IT banking sector. Privately creator of startups, e.g., payment gateway (pay-by-link), real estate VR offer portal, and real estate valuation automation.

Tomasz Kopera


Blockchain investor & evangelist, serial entrepreneur, graduate of Oxford University: Blockchain Strategies for Enterprises. He works with Polish blockchain founders as a strategic advisor helping them with seed funding, growth hacking and product development. Collaborates with VC funds across the world sharing deal-flow and investment insights.

Nina Mazurewicz

Marketing Manager

She has a scientific background and approach, experimenting even in marketing. Her passion for innovative projects and her immense curiosity jointly pushed her towards a career in Web3. She digs through marketing trends and coordinates the work of external collaborators to set a faster pace for project development.

Partnership with the Poznań University of Economics

Dr Jacek Mizerka, Professor of the UEP

Board Advisor

Director of the Institute of Accounting and Financial Management, Head of the Department of Corporate Finance at the Poznań University of Economics. His academic work is focused on corporate finance and capital markets, in particular risk management. In 2007-2008, he led a team which, in cooperation with Comarch S.A., worked on the following topic: Implementation of financial engineering tools in the processes of supporting risk management in a financial institution and a company. He was also the manager of a project financed by NCBiR: Creation and implementation of a new course entitled Financial Risk Management at the Poznań University of Economics (UEP) – studies of practical profile (2016-2020), in cooperation with Raiffeisen- Polbank, later BNP Paribas. He is interested in the issues of derivatives; he dealt with the application of the option approach to the evaluation of investment projects (author of the monograph entitled Real options in the financial evaluation of investment efficiency). He also deals with issues connected with cryptocurrencies (co-author of the publication: The role of Bitcoin on developed and emerging markets – on the basis of a Bitcoin users graph analysis. Finance Research Letters, 35 2020).

Dr Marcin Bartkowiak


Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, at the Institute of Computer Science and Quantitative Economics of the Poznań University of Economics. His research interests include derivatives, in particular their valuation and use in risk transfer.

Dr Bartosz Kabaciński


In 2016, he obtained a doctoral degree in Economics in the discipline of Finance. Academically he specialises in corporate finance, including mergers and acquisitions, corporate insolvency, financial analysis, and valuation. He has taught financial futures and options trading using specialist trading platforms and modern educational platforms. In practice he is also involved in consultancy, with a particular focus on business valuation.

Dr Aleksandra Rutkowska


Department of Applied Mathematics, Institute of Computer Science and Quantitative Economics, the Poznań University of Economics (UEP). Her academic work is broadly concerned with quantitative finance, including investment portfolio optimisation, quantitative time series modelling and inflation expectations. Member of the QuantFin Foundation Chapter. She has over 14 years of experience with data analysis and IT systems. She has worked on projects for, among others: BCC, INT4, European Space Agency, Stochastico, ATS Technology. Together with a team from UCL, she co-authored the first trading algorithm for the insurance market.